Hello, I'm Beth!
Let me help you discover ways to move and think and feel better than you have for years.
As an experienced Feldenkrais® Practitioner, I can guide you so that you can discover your own strength and physical well being, and recognize the blindspots which hold you back from living the life you want. You will move better, function the way you want and will be on the path to finding your own personal good health and happiness.
This work has contributed to reigniting my passion for life. This is what I'd love to share with you whether you have Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis or are simply a Baby Boomer who wants to feel revitalized.
Check out this informative article where I talk about how very beneficial the Feldenkrais Method is for those with MS: Can the Feldenkrais Method Help With Multiple Sclerosis?
I can help you move with grace and ease, feel stronger and more like yourself, and be able to do activities that you did 20 years ago.
This snippet from the Feldenkrais Awareness Summit explores the importance of movement and awareness in taking charge even with multiple sclerosis (MS).
The full interview and 25 other interviews are available at futurelifenow-online.com.This was a great "Fear The Floor' class I taught recently which I will be running as a Workshop this year. Find out more about how you can learn to move better.
Weekly Classes
I hold weekly classes on Tuesdays. These classes are for those who want to explore deeper into themselves and how they move.
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Baby Boomers regaining, reclaiming and relying on our own authority and living with vitality!
Find out what is holding you back
Feel better, live with vitality
Do you hear yourself saying any of these things?
• "I can’t do that at my age."
• "I have tight heel cords. I can’t squat."
• "I have bad balance. I’m getting older, I can’t jump or walk quickly"
• "I have bad knees. I can’t run, get on the floor, or garden."
• Do you work out without seeing results, without ever moving more easily?
Don't let age or diagnosis keep you from being active.
For the past 25 years I've been helping people to feel better and live the life they want
The Feldenkrais Method® is a gentle, respectful way for people to learn - through movement - how to function in a more efficient and less painful way. I have been a Feldenrais Practitioner for 25 years.
The Benefits
Benefits of the Feldenkrais Method® include:
- Increased flexibility and agility
- Improved posture, coordination, and balance
- Ease of chronic pain
- Reduction of emotional and physical stress
- The ability to overcome and avoid injuries
- Refinement of skills for athletes, musicians and dancers
- Improved energy efficiency and breathing Improved ability to learn
- Increased self-confidence and quality of life
- Attend to his/her whole self
- Eliminate unnscessary, but familiar, holding and energy expenditure
- Mobilize his/her intentions into actions

Feldenkrais is the most sophisticated and effective method I have seen for the prevention and reversal of deterioration of function. We’re condemning millions of people to a deteriorated old age that’s not necessary."
- Margaret Mead
Classes and Training
Lessons are generally in a class setting or individually. Students explore movement sequences according to the verbal directions of the teacher/practitioner. As a student, you discover how you do the movements and notice the quality of changes in your body, your self. You learn to relax and to abandon habitual patterns. Through the subtle ATM movements, you learn to expand options for new ways of moving while increasing sensitivity and improving sensitivity.

Awareness Through Movement® classes are ongoing in 6 week sessions. Attention to how you move can lead to increased activity and health.

This is a one-on-one session to help your improve how you function daily.

My workshops help to engage your brain and body and maximize ease of movement and vitality.
Beth's Blog
Another Year is Ending. A New Year is Upon Us.
December 30, 2022Are You Afraid of Your Body?
November 20, 2022Renew, Restore, Reinvent, Recalibrate
October 5, 2022Latest News
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