Springing Forward, Already


My last newsletter was at the start of the new year. Wow! It’s been a while.

We are springing forward already. Where does the time go?
After all of our rain in Southern California. l look forward to watching my beautiful garden grow.


I am doing well. I like to say that after 32 years as a Feldenkrais Practitoner® and 47 years as a physical therapist I have cut back my practice. I am teaching one class a week and seeing fewer individual students than I was previously.
I say “cut back.” My friends say, “semiretired.” Acchhh- what does that mean. I swore that I would never retire. I love my work. It is what I do. I could never not do this work.

Cutting back for me means more free time- to visit my grandchildren every day at preschool, time to volunteer at our local senior center and park. I am also continuing to study and learn. During the pandemic I became a certified Bones for Life® teacher. Next month I will be starting the extensive Walk for Life® program, also developed by teacher, trainer Ruthy Alon. Along with that I will be studying gait (walking) more thoroughly with a teacher I have a great amount of respect for. I also attend a weekly Master Class to learn about bone health and osteoporosis. I have wonderful colleagues who I study with. We have various study groups where we meet weekly. I love this work. I love my students. As you know, I work mostly with people like me, baby boomers who want to continue their lives with vitality and grace.

I continue in the process of “being an expert on me.” I take classes, work with students to improve our quality of life, through awareness and learning.

What are you up to? Working? Growing? Relaxing? Writing the next great American, or international novel? Traveling? Gardening? Are you happy with your work, your fun, your pastime? Do you feel well? Do you move the way you want to, without fear?

I feel that I am definitely “springing forward.” Life is good.

Would you like to explore you? To be the best you you can be? I do have openings for individual Functional Integration® sessions and I have room in my weekly Awareness Through Movement® class. Both/either can be done in person or on line.

Drop me a line. I’d love to hear from you and know how you are.

I look forward to hearing from you and maybe seeing you soon.



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