Today is the first day of my 31st year as a Feldenkrais Practitioner®. Approximately 80 of us graduated on January 30, 1991. Whew, what a range of emotions we displayed during those four years. Learning, changing, growing, learning….
The 15 years prior to the extensive training were spent as a physical therapist. That’s a long time listening, training, teaching, and touching people, young and old.
My 30th year is in the books. I am mostly happy that it is over. I must say, though there were a lot of changes, good and bad.
Bad news first- My income dropped substantially. I stopped seeing my beloved clients in person. Being close enough to touch was out of the question. I pride myself in being a “hands on” teacher. I was no longer was able to touch. Touching has been such a major part of my life for 45 years. I was so worried about the financial part that it took me a while to realize that my depression wasn’t about the money. It was about losing connection to others through touch. In addition to that, with the departure of my long term roommate, there was no longer a dog in my house. I have not lived without a dog in my house since 1991. I desperately missed my fur connection.
And now, the good news– I am working on line, teaching, helping to solve problems. I never thought I could even do it, but I love teaching on line. I am able to reach more people than I did in person. People come to my classes and individual sessions from all over Los Angeles and the country. They don’t even cancel when it rains or because my studio is too cold.
The best news– I realized quickly that I was unable to live without both touching my clients, and, not having a dog to cuddle. After months of looking for my perfect fur baby, I am now mom to Teddy. Finding Teddy was quite a journey with ups and downs. The first of the new year I gave my quest for my new love “up to the universe.” Teddy walked into my life about 3 weeks later, in a very round about way. I am his 4th home in is 1 1/2 years. To say the least, although such a good, sweet boy, he was a bit anxious.
He was fine the first night but the second night he just couldn’t calm. Although I do not advertise as a Feldenkrais® Teacher who works with animals, I have taken classes from some experts, (Mary Debono, GCFP). My wonderful friend and mentor, Elinor Silverstein,GCFP taught me to do “Heart Hugs” on both myself and my animals and I have watched the most wonderful Linda Tellington-Jones, GCFP do her amazing TTouch® circles. Wow! Teddy got the benefit of all that wisdom, combined with my touch. He got to calm from my touch and I calmed by touching him. What could be better? I call that a win/win situation.
The Feldenkrais Method® has brought me so much, not the least of which is a fabulous community. We are constantly learning, exploring and teaching.
Some people I know are retiring after 45 years of working. This work is my passion. I don’t think I could stop doing what I love if I wanted to.
I’d like to say thank you to all who studied and continue to study with me, my students and my teachers. My work is just like my “Pet Touch Therapy.” I give a lesson, get a lesson.
Wishing you love and touch,
Beth and Teddy.