“If I Am Not for Myself, Who Will be For Me?”

We are all trying to take care of our loved ones and ourselves. We worry about others, people we know and people we don’t know. We worry about the world that we are leaving to our children. For Jews, this time of year, especially this week, is a time of reflection.

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But, as Rabbi Hillel said above, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” In order to be for yourself, you must know yourself, every part of you.

Movement was our first language, as a baby. If we explore our movement, how we move, our limitations, our ease, we have the opportunity to explore more of ourself. We can learn about what used to be easy and what is easy now. We explore how to make the movements easier and therefore how to make our lives easier.

Moshe Feldenkrais said, “Movement is life, life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself”

The Feldenkrais Method,® Awareness Through Movement® classes allow you to do just that, with a caring teacher who can speak to your particular needs.

I am offering three Awareness Through Movement® classes to help you in this exploration and reflection. The new series start next week, although you can start anytime.

*Tuesday* from 10:30 to 11:30 is the Curious Class, for people you wish to explore and perhaps challenge themselves.

*Wednesday* from 12:00 to1:00 is a class for people who have pain or discomfort, balancing issues, who want to learn and explore but might not want to challenge quite as much.

Friday from 10:30 to 11:30 is a special class to address or current situation, to help calm and build resilience. Register here. 
This special class is only $5.00 a session or by donation.

For the Tuesday and Wednesday classes, a series runs for 6 weeks. The price is $125 for the series of 6 or $25 a class. Please contact me for more information and to discuss if this is the right path for you to learn more about yourself.

If these times do not work for you I also offer individual sessions. You can sign up on my website or contact me by email.

Have a sweet new year.


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