Have you started your staycation yet?

Wherever we go, we are right here, in your living room, bedroom, backyard, or mine.
Let’s make the best of it.

Several of you have been attending my online classes or seeing me online for individual sessions. Has it been better than expected, even fun? Do you miss the LA traffic? I sure am enjoying my time with you.

I teach three different series of classes each week. New classes are starting right now, beginning July 7th.
You can sign up right now and join in the fun, feel better, more grounded, calm, resilient, relaxed, more at ease.

Awareness Through Movement 1
Wednesdays at 12:00- 1:00PM PST
This is an introductory class. If you have pain or instability and want easy, informative lessons it is for you. Learn about your habits and how you can move and feel differently. Get back to having fun and being outdoors. Learn to move like you did 15 years ago, explore your limitations

illustration of a treasure map

Awareness Through Movement 2
Tuesdays at 10:30- 11:30 PST
This series is for people who, whether they have limitations or not, want to explore themselves and this method a little deeper. We do fun and challenging lessons. This summer we will be laughing and traveling to unknown places

Image of two beach loungers one occupied by a person wearing a hat.

Resilience, Relaxation, Rejuvenation
Fridays at 10:30- 11:30 AM PST
I like to refer to this class as the calm in the chaos. We explore ourselves in our world today. We do lovely lessons about breath, our eyes, movements that allow us to rest and think and learn to take care of ourselves from the inside, out.

A cat lying down thinking "Felden-WHAT? and "Change by doing nearly nothing? Cool!" with the caption The Feldenkrais Method

This meme created by my British colleague says it all. This picture is certainly one explanation of the Feldenkrais Method® Come and experience and learn. Learn more about yourself.

Sign up for all classes and individual sessions right here
Scroll down to the class that suits you.
Awareness Through Movement® classes 1 and 2 are $125 for the series of six, or $25 “drop in.”
The Friday, Resilience, Relaxation, and Rejuvenation class is $5.00 or what you feel you can afford at this time.


I am still here. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to talk or have any questions.

Take care. Stay safe.
Best always,

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